Enrolment Information
We would appreciate it if enrolment for 2025 is in by the 31st of August 2024. This will allow for effective communication, class placement, and information gathering processes.
Monday 12 August, 6 – 7pm – Churton Park, Khandallah, Non-contributing schools
Tuesday 13 August, 6 – 7pm – Johnsonville, Amesbury, Ngaio
Wednesday 14 August, 6 – 7pm – West Park, Crofton Downs, Cashmere Ave
Tuesday 13 August, 9 – 10:30am – Churton Park, Khandallah, Non-contributing schools
Wednesday 14 August, 9 – 10:30am– Johnsonville, Amesbury, Ngaio
Thursday 15 August, 9 – 10:30am – West Park, Crofton Downs, Cashmere Ave
Home Zone
All students who live within the home zone described below shall be entitled to enrol at the school. Siblings of out of zone students will be enrolled only where the agreed manageable roll is not exceeded.
The Home Zone for Raroa Normal Intermediate School will include the following Streets or identified sections of street and the areas bounded within them:
School Payments
Our preferred method of payment is through your myKindo account.
This offers an easy way for you to view and pay for your child’s needs, and complete permission slips and other forms, online.
It’s quick, secure, and open 24/7, and offers many cards and bank transfer options, and options to hold an online balance or pay-as-you-go.
Access is via our school website, app or go directly to myKindo.co.nz
Product Description | Quantity |
Blue Pen | 4 |
Clear Plastic Ruler 30 cm | 2 |
Glue stick (large) | 1 |
HB Pencil | 1 box |
Pencil Sharpener | 1 |
Eraser | 1 |
Protractor 180 deg 10cm | 1 |
1B8 Ruled 7mm, 32 Leaf Exercise Book | 2 |
1E8 Maths Exercise Book | 2 |
Headphones/Earphones | 1 |
Highlighters | 2 |
Whiteboard markers (fine tip) | 3 |
Padlock if you have a scooter or a bike | 1 |
Need to Know
Home Learning
We do not believe in homework for homework’s sake. We do subscribe to the idea that we want our students to develop the skills and attitude of revision and additional practice with things learned at school – at home.
We believe homework should be purposeful and relate to the needs of the students and to the learning which is going on in the classroom. We believe it is an advantage to begin to set up a place for quiet, reflective study at this age. Homework may not necessarily be given every night and it should never be oppressive – 30 – 40 minutes is sufficient. Where appropriate, the use of digital technologies is promoted to increase our ability to communicate effectively with parents about student progress and current areas of learning.
We encourage students to share and discuss their learning with their whanau and celebrate their schoolwide achievements. This is complemented by two student-led conferences during the year.
(Bikes, Scooters, and Skateboards)
If your child intends on bringing wheels to school, they must have a padlock to lock it during the day, as well as a helmet.
If students are riding to school on any equipment that has wheels, they must be wearing a helmet. There are no exceptions.
Wrapper-less Lunch
Raroa Intermediate is a wrapperless lunch school!
A wrapperless lunch contains no single-use plastics and wrappers. The typical homemade wrapperless lunch is packed in a lunch box or backpack. The food is put in reusable containers rather than wrapped in disposable packaging. A drink is packed in a refillable bottle. Cloth napkins and stainless-steel utensils replace disposables. All containers are resealable so that leftover food and drink can be saved for later.
Why are we a wrapperless lunch school?
It is important for us as a school to take steps to become more sustainable. Being wrapperless is an effective way of doing this. By reducing our packaging waste we help support the positive effects associated with reducing our packagings such as reducing climate change, landfill production, and marine and terrestrial pollution. Buying in bulk or buying unpackaged foods for your child’s lunch box also saves you money!
What does this mean?
- Avoid using throwaway bags, plastic wrap, foil, polystyrene, single-use cans, cartons, and napkins.
- Pack lunches in lunch boxes, small packs, or cloth bags.
- Include items that can be purchased in bulk, so there is less packaging per item, such as dried fruit and nuts or big bags of chippies.
- Include items that come in their own natural biodegradable wrappings, such as bananas, oranges, carrots, and hard-boiled eggs.
- Pack water in a reusable bottle instead of pre-packaged drinks or juices (healthier and less expensive).
- Use reusable containers for food instead of bags or wraps and reusable utensils that will be brought back home and reused.
- Purchase or make honey wraps, perfect for replacing glad wrap.
- Make your own, if you have time this can be an awesome activity for children to get involved in, such as making your own muesli bars or sweet and savory treats.
- Prepare extra food at dinnertime and use it as leftovers for lunches
We don’t want to protect the environment, we want to create a world where the environment doesn’t need protecting”
Reducing wrappers in lunch boxes with planning and commitment will be rewarding for your family and your future! Don’t forget that we are not alone in this, talk to family and friends to learn extra tips and tricks, pass on your advice, and try to remain positive about the change you can make!
We understand that bringing a wrapperless lunch may be a big change for some families but we think it is worth the effort. Our planet is worth the effort!
We don’t need a handful of people doing plastic-free perfectly. We need millions of people doing plastic-free imperfectly”
Sushi Lunches
Sushi lunches are available every Wednesday.
Place your order for Wednesday via www.ezlunch.co.nz. Orders are accepted up until 9.00am on a Wednesday morning. A full menu, prices and allergy information can be obtained via your ezlunch account.