Our School
Welcome from the principal
Nau mai, haere mai ki RāroaKia ora tātou, ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoaKo Stephen Eames tōku ingoa.
I am extremely proud to be the Tumuaki of Rāroa Normal Intermediate and I am fortunate to be part of an amazing learning community of students, staff and whānau.
Rāroa kaiako are committed to meeting the diverse needs of akonga. We recognise that emerging adolescence is a time of significant personal, physiological and neurological change. We respond to these needs by providing an environment where they can thrive. The Intermediate/Middle School education model provides opportunities to specifically cater to akonga at their age and stage of development.
Rāroa has a rich history of excellence and innovation. It is a school culture that is defined by high-quality teaching and a strong emphasis on whanaungatanga, or building relationships, to enhance the learning experience and strengthen student engagement.
We believe in personalised approaches and ensure that everyone is valued, respected, and cared for in safe and stimulating learning environments.
Our programmes incorporate the best of both traditional and modern teaching pedagogy to create a vibrant, engaging and student-focused curriculum. Learning takes many forms at Rāroa and we provide authentic learning experiences to help students reach their full potential intellectually, socially, creatively and physically. As we seek to uphold the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, we motivate students to become contributing, participating members of our learning community.
Ngā mihi nui