Reporting & Communication
Our philosophy is for parents to have access to their child’s learning throughout the year in a variety of means and not rely solely on reports.
Our overall vision is that there is greater communication with parents and greater access for parents to their child’s work and progress throughout the year. This will enable richer communication between child and parent and teacher.
Our Philosophy
Our philosophy is for parents to have access to their child’s learning throughout the year in a variety of means and not rely solely on reports. The most comprehensive information you can receive about your child’s progress is through meeting their teacher so I encourage everyone to make an appointment during learning conferences to ensure and effective home-school partnership.
Early in the year parents get the opportunity to Meet the Teacher to establish connection and relationship with their child’s teacher. Meet the Teacher is an opportunity for the sharing of information which will support student learning. Students can introduce their parents to their teacher/s and show them around the school including DPE. If needed, a follow-up meeting with teacher can be arranged on request.
The student/teacher conferences take place twice a year and will take 10min. The first of which is supported by the mid-year report.
There are two formal written reports, shared with whanau at the end of terms 2 & 4.
The report will contain a student learning reflection and a teacher personalised comment.
Learning progress will be reported using NZ Curriculum levels to show the level of attainment (in core curriculum subjects Reading, Writing & Maths). Students will also reflect on Skills & Capabilities and Wellbeing goals set earlier in the year.
Teachers use a variety of sources as set out in the healthy practice pyramid to inform their decision on where a student is working at.
Reporting through HERO
We use Hero for communication with home. This includes day to day school communications and the sharing of student progress and reports with whānau. Hero helps to bring families on the learning journey, keeping whānau updated on their child’s learning progress.
Reports are accessed through the Hero app. Parents new to Rāroa need to download the app and sign into Hero as a new user. Your email address will match the email we have on record through your child’s enrolment, you will then receive a confirmation email from Hero. Once your email address is confirmed you will have access to your child’s learning information. Hero notifications help keep you up-to-date with the information that is relevant to your child.
Please note, reports are published digitally but can be downloaded and printed from home.