Safe Speeds Around Schools
May 3, 2023
Rāroa students featured in Waka Kotahi education resource that will be used by schools around the country.
Deputy Principal Matt Boucher has developed a series of lesson plans for Waka Kotahi, supporting their Safe Speeds Around Schools campaign. This unit of work is designed to help students learn about road safety, plan for a safe commute to school, and understand why slower speeds around schools decrease risk.
Rāroa students Alice McKenzie, Bella Wang, Imogen Curry, Jacob Allison, Juliet Boys, Lily Carman, Macy Stevens and Olivia Hay helped to trial the hands-on science activities from the unit and are featured in the promotional materials, making them world famous in New Zealand! Have a look at the video and resources below to see their fabulous work.
Promotional Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HekuTaGHCI4
The lesson plans, featured on the Waka Kotahi Education Portal: https://education.nzta.govt.nz/teacher-resources/primary-curriculum-resources/safe-speeds-around-schools/
Our work has been featured in the Education Gazette, the NZ magazine for teachers: https://issuu.com/edgazette/docs/education_gazette_102.5 (Page 9)