Enrolment Information


We would appreciate it if enrolment for 2025 is in by the 31st of August 2024. This will allow for effective communication, class placement, and information gathering processes.


Monday 12 August, 6 – 7pm – Churton Park, Khandallah, Non-contributing schools

Tuesday 13 August, 6 – 7pm – Johnsonville, Amesbury, Ngaio

Wednesday 14 August, 6 – 7pm – West Park, Crofton Downs, Cashmere Ave


Tuesday 13 August, 9 – 10:30am – Churton Park, Khandallah, Non-contributing schools

Wednesday 14 August, 9 – 10:30am– Johnsonville, Amesbury, Ngaio

Thursday 15 August, 9 – 10:30am West Park, Crofton Downs, Cashmere Ave

Home Zone

All students who live within the home zone described below shall be entitled to enrol at the school. Siblings of out of zone students will be enrolled only where the agreed manageable roll is not exceeded.

The Home Zone for Raroa Normal Intermediate School will include the following Streets or identified sections of street and the areas bounded within them:

  • Southern Boundary – All houses on both sides of all streets and roads north of the intersection of Wilton Bush Rd and Blackridge Rds. with Churchill Drive, including both sides of Chartwell Drive and all addresses in and north of Martha Place, John Witton Drive, Kilgour Way and Sasanqua Way, across north through to Takarau Gorge Road, Hawkes Gully to the sea north of Makara and Smiths Bay, all addresses in Benbrook Way, Melba Ave, Trellissick Cres, Jacobsen Lane and Hewett Way and north of Ngaio Gorge Rd, Kaiwharawhara Rd and the Hutt Rd as far as its intersection with Ngauranga Gorge.
  • Western Boundary – Cook Strait
  • Northern Boundary – south of Arohata, following the ridgeline running northwest from Marshall’s Trigg to Cook Strait.
  • Eastern Boundary – western side of Johnsonville / Porirua Motorway, Centennial Highway, Ngauranga Gorge and main Wellington urban motorway.

School Payments

Our preferred method of payment is through your myKindo account.

This offers an easy way for you to view and pay for your child’s needs, and complete permission slips and other forms, online.

It’s quick, secure, and open 24/7, and offers many cards and bank transfer options, and options to hold an online balance or pay-as-you-go.

Access is via our school website, app or go directly to myKindo.co.nz


Product Description Quantity
Blue Pen 4
Clear Plastic Ruler 30 cm 2
Glue stick (large) 1
HB Pencil 1 box
Pencil Sharpener 1
Eraser 1
Protractor 180 deg 10cm 1
1B8 Ruled 7mm, 32 Leaf Exercise Book 2
1E8 Maths Exercise Book 2
Headphones/Earphones 1
Highlighters 2
Whiteboard markers (fine tip) 3
Padlock if you have a scooter or a bike 1

Need to Know